Names Of Women Burned At The Stake Men Vs Women - Who Is The Greater Species?

Men vs Women - who is the greater species? - names of women burned at the stake

I think men should be honest. Yeh, behind the majority of good people a good woman, and women of us, but they need us as much as we need them.

Sport is an important part of pop culture and will be dominated by men. Football, rugby, NFL, Basketball ... I need more to say.

The entertainment industry has arguments for both sides, but look at the most important film of the franchise's - Rocky, Rambo, Die Hard - Star Wars, etc., all dominated by men, and indeed created by humans.

Speaking of building things ... Pythagoras, Einstein, Eddison, Henry Ford, Thomas Bell, the Wright brothers, John Logie Baird .... that created women?

And then the house hold names like Hitler, Jesus, Churchill, Washington, Martin Luther King, Mandella, Columbus - women who say that about this witch who was burned at tThis game and another who kept a diary while in front of the Nazis.

Bush and Brown - two men, I think it's pretty fair to say, they are the dominant force. It rules the world - fact!


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